Wednesday, 21 August 2013

Fiddle Camp Is NEXT Weekend!

Fiddle Camp is next Saturday and Sunday. August 31st and Septemnber first. The instruments are here, t-shirts are printed and the port potty is being delivered Friday afternoon. The farm opens up at 9:30 AM and camp starts at 10AM sharp. (No arrivals or camping Friday, please!). I will be running around like nuts preparing for the event and no one is camping Friday or Sunday night. If you are camping here there will be tent sites available in the woods behind the farm Saturday, but no personal campfires or stoves are permitted. There are also no shower facilities.

There will be a group campfire Saturday night, most likely though. Feel free to bring your guitars or banjos or whatever you play for some jamming. Don't be shy. Being shy is silly, as you are grossly underestimating the general public's apathy and Fiddle Camp ttendee's kindness.

Be mindful of that and bring snacks or food you do not need to cook to enjoy. Meals are not provided due to federal regulations, but you can bring your own feed. Why not get started on the paleo diet and bring some apples and jerky! Or, bring some cash to enjoy my little town's cafes and diners, there are LOTS of eating options in air-conditioned places around town. Camp itself is held outdoors, all day. We will be under the shade of a big maple with plenty of water. I'll have complimentary bottled water on ice. If you do bring food: KEep these well protected in plastic containers or resealable bags because of wildlife such as bears. Also, know you are camping on a farm and that means roosters crowing in your ear at around 4AM. You will be surrounded by wild and domestic animals and if sleep is important it isn't too late to find a room with a shower, TV, and AC! Just email me for a list of local camp sites, hotels, and Inns. all the usual chains are in Saratoga, Bennington, Glens Falls, and such.

You should bring a comfortable camp chair, farm-friendly footwear, and no dogs or children may attend. This is because of insurance reasons and my comfort level. This means no dogs at your tent or cars while you attend camp. I know this is a bummer, but it is too hot and too long a day.

Lastly, make sure if you are attending camp you have your text book, tuner, and a spare set of strings. I'll take care of the rest! And most of all, get excited to meet awesome people and finally start playing the instrument you always dreamed of playing! It's happening this weekend!

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