I had a friend from Lake George come by the farm yesterday. She's a photographer I met her at my Taekwondo School, a fellow student. She isn't a homesteader of any sort, but grew up around farms in Brazil and wanted to see what my world was like. I was happy to show her the ropes. What happened was a day of activity, everything from harnessing Merlin for a cart ride to loading truck up with hay at Common Sense Farm. She met the pigs (now named Ham, Ham, Jumpies and Commander after the four chickens named by my friend Joanna's neice). She pet the goats, helped me with chores surrounded by poultry and heckling turkeys. She was a trooper, totally out of her normal NYC environment and not even complaining about stepping in chicken poo. Not that I would expect any sort of squeamishness from a woman who I've seen execute a perfect side kick. She's a tough one, and I was proud to show her this place. We spent the whole day getting to know each other outside the dojang. At Taekwondo we would spar and work on forms and techniques but we never really get to chat. It's considered rude to be talking during class, all attention is on the instructor. But my farm is far from the world of martial arts where full attention is considered the norm. Here there are so many things to pay attention to it's almost dangerous to focus on one thing too long! I think she'll be returning over the next few weeks and working on a photo essay, possibly for publication. I'm excited and honored about the possibility. When she left I sent her home with some porkchops, just-dug potatoes, and some breakfast sausage. I could have sent her home with milk and eggs too, if she wanted. I think I am just realizing now this is a Breakfast Farm!
After the full day of work and hosting a guest I came back to my computer to catch up on emails and work. I saw an email from a woman who told me, quite bluntly, that she doesn't see the value in subscribing to a blog for a year - it doesn't offer her enough content. I think I stared at the screen for a full minute with my mouth open. It wasn't her lack of interest in signing up for a paid subscription, that is none of my business really. But her statement that the content wasn't worth the five bucks a month hurt. I know lately things have been sparse here, but that's because I am fall-down-the-stairs busy with a mauscript, new proposal, the farm work, the mews construction, the part time job in Vermont, and special events like the photographer from the big city. This morning I was on the road at 7:45 AM to head over to Tara and Tyler's place to help them get ready for their week-long workshop about timber framing. I was happy to help them (they certainly help me!) but I doubt I will get to blog about helping with a wattle and daub outdoor shower house (though you can see Tara & Tyler's pictures here,) but that's just because I am dog tired. Like the farm itself, writing comes and goes in waves of effort and will. Right now it isn't up the the normal snuff, but I still think if you started at the first of August and went through day-to-day you'd see enough stories, videos, and pictures to be worth a vebti drink at Starbucks?
If you want to subscribe, it is easy to do. If you do not it is even easier to do! You don't have to write me to tell me why or why not, like I said, that is your businness. But for all who do I appreciate it. So much. So very, very, very much. Things here are still a little dodgy but I am pulling through it, being frugal whenever I can, and spedning more time enjoying the food and life I have here than going out. I am waiting with white knuckles on payments due and if I can make it with enough time to order those fiddles and get those camp t-shirts in by the end of next week I will be kissing the ground! Every day I sit down and try my level best to get out thank you notes to a handful of readers, and if you are still waiting for yours please be patient! I'l catch up!
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