I am really excited to announce these two events, both happening this fall at Cold Antler Farm! The first is a reason for a three-day weekend folks, because Kathryn Zmrzlik will be here Friday October 4th for an all day wool workshop the day before the Southern Adirondack Fiber Festival! Kathryn is the woman some of you may remember from the winter wool weekend I host? Well she wanted to come back and teach again and is taking a day off her work to do just that. This woman knows wool. She's a spinner, knitter, and can look at a fleece out on a table and tell you whether or not it's worth it's weight in compost. She's here to teach us the same, so join me in a workshop entirely dedicated to wool and yarn!
The morning will start out with a tour of the farm and a talk about backyard sheep and what goes into a small flock. That's my contribution to the day. From there we'll take some wool right off Sal and bring it inside to clean, dry, card, and spin with a drop spindle. You can see the entire process done by hand, take notes, and get your fingers wrapped around raw wool, lanolin, clean wool, and a drum carder. You'll also get a chance to try out drop spindles. After that we will break for lunch and when we return Kathryn, spinner and woolcentric woman of wonder, will get out her wheel and some fleeces and show us how to sort out both. First she will demystify the wheel and its parts, use, and care and feeding. Then she'll show us new fleece buyers what to look for in quality wool. This is pretty important information and timely too, because the day after this workshop at Cold Antler will be the opening day of the nearby Fiber Festival. Make the trip up here to not only learn and support CAF, but to spend a day in autumnal farm country among other wool and knitting fans! It's a great festival and with the know-how Kathryn has to offer you you'll be buying fleeces like a pro. Or, at the very least, a VERY educated consumer!
So come to learn, hang out, laugh, and see Cold Antler on Friday and stay in the county for the festival that weekend. A bonefied Washington County Experience if there ever was one!
Fiber Festival Wool Workshop!
Friday October 4th 2013
15 Spots Left
Price: $100
If you don't know who this woman pictured is, let me introduce to you the finest Old Time Banjo Frailer in the county! Julie Duggan is a Cambridge art teacher and banjo player, having taught people in camps and clinics all over the US for the past 25 years. She is the woman to get that banjo itch you have scratched. She agreed to come the Saturday before Halloween to the farm for an all day introduction to the 5-string openback banjo. This is old time, frailing, or knockdown style. It's the kind of banjo playing that came out of the Appalachians before bluegrass music came about. It's rhythmic, powerful, and above all fun! You'll need a banjo for the course (none are provided) but you don't need to invest thousands to learn the basics. Email me if you want some recommendations but what matters at this workshop is your enthusiasm! Don't worry if you aren't musical. What Julie needs is people excited to learn.
Here you can see her playing at a mountain music workshop I did a few seasons back. Julie and I talked about what would happen during the day workshop and she will teach us the basics, but also tell a bit of her story about her experience with this instrument that because such a big part of her life. She not only teaches and performs with her banjos but collects them as well.
What I really love about these two workshops are they happens during the heart of Cold Antler Farm's year, Fall. The farm will be ready for winter and there will most likely be a red tail hawk for you to meet as well. It's a happy, special, and beautiful time here in Washington County and I think these workshops will fill up quick! So email me if you want to sign up for this, or the wool workshop, or BOTH!
Open Backs and Hallowed Hearts!
Saturday, Holy October 26th 2013
15 Spots Left
Price: $125
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