Thursday, 2 May 2013

Firewood Already Started

Just as the woodpile dwindled down to splinters and the sun has blessed us with seventy-fiove degree days, it is time to start collecting firewood for next season. Winter is no joke, and this past winter was my first heating entirely with wood stoves. It was worth it, but I am glad for the break from keeping the house warm. I can stay out late now, hang with friends into the night, and not have to get up to stoke fires or come home to heat. If that sounds like it was limiting, it was. It kept me close to home and my farm. I liked that.

This load was carried out of the woods by Jasper, not a bad haul for a small pony. Every time I harness him for cart training I bring out another load like this to split. One load is good exercise and training for him and a reasonable amount for me to split at a time. So far the once barren porch is now starting to look like a firewood shelter again. Ash and cherry are piling up in the size I need for my Bunbaker. I can thank Mark Wesner for that, who cut up the downed tree from last year's Antlerstock with a chainsaw during the last pig slaughtering in winter. Now that the snow is melted the wood is waiting in rounds like you see here, ready to be carried back by pony power to the house for chopping and stacking.

I understand that thermostats give you flexibility and freedom. But I wouldn't give up this kind of honest heat for anything.

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