Wednesday, 2 October 2013

Planting a Winter Garden!

I am working on my winter garden today, and feeling that same excitement I usually only feel in melting spring. You know what I mean, right? The urge to plant, see seedlings in your hands, a little life among all the dying leaves and colder nights. Gardening is becoming more and more important to me, and to society in general. America has been away from their gardens far too long and knows it, the interest in growing food at home has never been so high and I personally want more of the green stuff.

So I am planting seeds today, right in the ground: kale, lettuce, spinach, kale, kale, kale and more kale planted. I have left the world of whimsy in gardening and now just want to grow the practical, what I love and what I eat. Since kale may be my favorite vegetable in the world I would like a winter supply right outside my door. So far the chard and kale is all that is growing on the hill and I would like to plant a lot more and create an inexpensive poly-tunnel over it with pvc, bamboo, and plastic greenhouse sheeting. It should cost under twenty dollars for a near 4-season garden expansion and I am so exited. My seed supplier and one of the farm's sponsors - Annie's Heirlooms has supplied me with all the seeds I need to keep me stocked in that beautiful green stuff….

I'm off to plant!

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