Friday, 6 September 2013

Cold Morning

Cold morning here, or at least it is for September. 38 degrees and I needed gloves to do the morning chores! I carried out a bucket of corn and whey from yesterday's cheese to the pigs and felt that sting you never expect in September, cold hands. So I went back insinde for a pair of fingerless gloves and used those favorite weapons of mine to tie baling twine on the fence or carry hay bales. It was exciting. Seeing my breath, feeling a bit of wool right next to the skin again... Fall is on his way and I am so entirely thrilled about it. I am working on getting the woodpile chopped in earnest and plans for cidering and apple picking are underway. When I'm not outside with the critters and fixing fences I am in the office here working on some new book proposals. Right now I am not working on any new books at all, only editing and preparing for those books ahead. It's great to have two books loaded for launch but I also like the security of more projects ahead. Wish me luck.

I am a little stressed out about the Mews and Weathering Area getting done soon so I can get the state DEC office to approve the structure. Deadline was really a month or so ago, but I have until Decemember to trap a bird and start training. It's getting the application itself through Albany and back to me in time that makes me a little jumpy. But all I can do is all I can do, which is true for most things. So when the structure is up and ready all I need to do is get it approved, get Ed (my mentor) to sign his Mentor Acceptance, file the last of my paperwork and jump through the last of my hoops. I may just be an Apprentice by snowfly. Wish me luck there, too.

I smell like a pig pen.

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