Monday, 7 October 2013

100hr PiC Video

A few weeks back I was inspired by some pretty cool GA videos. Decided to make my own montage showing the amazing journey I have been on over the last 15 months since passing my FAA checkride. Couldn't fit all the fun into one video so I have condensed it down to the best parts.

Thanks to everyone that either inspired or flown with me. It's been an amazing journey and I'm looking forward to sharing the next 100 hours with my flying friends.

Storm Coming!

Three-Branch Storm On The Way

It's early October and the sky is gray. it's windy as all get out and the world outside my office window is like a autumnal snow globe, but instead of white plastic puffs circles of yellow locust leaves dance. It sounds pretty, like a fan on a field of sunflowers, but it isn't. We are under a tornado watch and the world is incorrectly warm, around seventy-five horrible degrees. That is not right for this part of the world in mid-autumn. I can see the sheep on the hill laying down in the soft dirt, watching the other side of the fence where the grass is growing outside their paddock. They had a breakfast of hay and fresh water, and usually by this time of day several of them (Ruckus, Brick and a lamb) have jumped out like hinds and are eating the illegal grass. Not today. Today even the most athletic and bravest of ewes is hunkered down. I'll be doing the same.

I had a hard time sleeping last night, which happens to me a few times a week. My mind reels with anxiety, worried about everything from the mortgage to pieces of idle conversation that may have gone wrong earlier in the day. I worried about the fact that my email had been down for 36 hours and it is the only way I make a living anymore, through that little inbox. People signing up for advertising spots, or for workshops, paypal and such are all connected to that simple email address. The small Ohio-based company I buy hosting through was closed for the weekend and I just wanted my old email account back. It's back now, which is a relief.

I get confused by my anxiety. I don't trust it. While things are tight now and I'm behind on my mortgage, I'm only a few weeks behind and I've been self-employed for a year and a half. That is a pretty solid track record. Nothing to be proud of really, but nothing to grant the kind of hell I put myself through alone in the dark. The lights have never been shut off, the dogs and I have never missed a meal. Hell, a chicken has never missed a meal here. The garbage still gets picked up on Tuesday mornings and the truck payment is up to date. Besides snow tires, chimney cleaning, cordwood, and a few personal dental concerns things are pretty solid. I can not complain. And to have such mundane concerns going into your second year of self-employment makes me feel darn blessed. I need to remember this when I get worried. I need to remember I always find a way to make it, and come hell or high-water, I'll keep making it. Sorry for the cliches, but they apply.

So why is it that at night, when we are alone, we worry about things WE KNOW we can handle during the day? Why do we have that heavy feeling on our chests and dryness in our mouths? Why do we fuss? Why do we doubt the blessings we know so well? I have proof of the good, the bad is always going on spec… I feel like a fool, most of the time. The anxiety steals this holy month away from me. It makes me writhe and rub my hands together. Last night I forced myself into a calmer state. It took some work, but it got me back to sleep. Another blessing, that.

Let's hope those blessings carry over to the storm. Being the old fashioned gal I am, a trio of birch, maple, and holly get gathered and hung from the front door. It's a prayer against damage, and something people have done on sheep farms since time out of mind. It can't hurt. When a three-branch storm is headed your way you take caution. I'm not a total fool.

Sunday, 6 October 2013

Pony Kiss

caught by Miriam Romais!


I am sharing this again to urge anyone on the fence to sign up and join the tribe! So far five women have already signed up, leaving only five spots left. If you are even on the fence or nervous, grab this workshop because it is a life changer. I'm not saying I am a life changer, I'm saying becoming an archer is. You see the world different, you walk taller, you learn a discipline and an art that holds your head higher and allows a focus and meditation few sports can match. You can lose yourself in a run, you can ride a horse for therapy, but your mind is totally open and clear when an arrow is pulled back to your lips. Everyone coming is a complete beginner, so no worries about being worst or best. This is about learning to shoot traditionally and for yourself, and who knows. It may open your world to hunting, or competition, or the SCA like it did for me. Anyway, five left and I hope you take 'em fast!

I am happy to announce a new event here at Cold Antler Farm! Hopefully this will become a tradition like Fiddle Camp. On May 3rd and 4th, 2014 I would like to host an absolute beginner's archery event called Arrows Rising. It's two days of learning the skills, techniques, and equipment needed for traditional archery. That's right, traditional is what I said. We'll be learning the recurve and longbow, not compound bows and instinctive shooting. There will be no training wheels or sights, instead just wood and string, arrows, eyes, and targets. The event will include a wooden, artisan-crafted long bow at a poundage and length suitable for beginners. Yup, you get a bow.

This may be the event I am most qualified to teach here, too. As a professional archery instructor, a team member of a traditional archery team, and a safety marshal for the Society of Creative Anachronism I have been teaching and educating beginning archers for some time now. You'll learn not how to pull and release but how to position your entire body, mind, breath, and heartbeat for the target. You'll be among other beginner's as well so no worries

Day One will include an overview of safety, gear, types of bows and arrows. You'll get to know your bow and learn the basics of care and feeding, stringing it with a bow stringer, and how to measure yourself for arrows. You'll get to learn the safe way to shoot with others at a range environment. You'll get the basic lesson of instinctive shooting as well. The day will end with target practice (supervised) and a talk about important books and resources for the new traditional archer.

Day Two will be shorter, but include a group breakfast at the Burger Den followed by a fun tournament with prizes. We'll wrap up around noon or 2PM at the latest and you'll leave not only with your own bow but the knowledge to shoot well, shoot true, and all the skills you need to practice at home or your local archery range (you may not realize you even have a local public range!).

If you want to sign up I am only accepting ten people. I encourage total beginners to traditional archery who always wanted to take up the sport to attend, you really will enjoy it. If you are already an experienced archer, I suggest letting the folks who never touched a bow before take the first slots and you are welcome to attend the tournament Sunday or come and shadow at the talks and practice on Sunday.


Arrows Rising
May 3rd and 4th, 2014
Jackson, NY
Cost: $350 (includes bow!)
No Camping On Site
Workshops are not refundable, regardless of date change, weather, or any other reason, but all sales of workshops are good for credit towards other events of similar value or less long as I am hosting events and farming! Understand this before you sign up, please.

First Flight Washington State

Had my first trip across a state border yesterday. Hoquiam Boverman lies on the pacific northwest coast line a few miles west of Seattle. I was playing around on flight sim a few nights ago and flew there, so I chose it as our destination. I'm starting to be more adventurous with my destinations.

Weather has been really poor here in Oregon over the last few days, however we've had a couple of days of sunshine through the weekend. The skies were extremely busy yesterday with pilots taking advantage of the nice weather.

We departed Twin Oaks at 3:40pm local time expecting to fly for just over an hour each way (ended up back at Twin Oaks at 6pm). 

After transitioning through HIO's class delta, I contacted PDX DEP on 118.1 and picked up VFR flight following. Ended up getting passed onto two SEA CTR frequencies on the 107nm leg.

Great flight to practice VOR's with three different ones to tune into (UBG, HQM and AST).

Winds were light at HQM but favoring runway 24. Joined the pattern on the 45 for a left hand pattern to 24. The approach was very spectacular. I swear the engine sound changed as we flew over the water :)

Full stop taxi back and we were on our way again. Flew down the coastline to AST before routing direct to 7S3.

Saturday, 5 October 2013

Email Down

Please message me on Facebook if you need to contact me, or sent me any workshop queries or important news since yesterday. Thanks!